Arrow Rotation
- Under the title of the program, click .
Before creating a project, if there are changes in the previous project, a window will appear:
The previous project will be saved before the next one is created.
- On the "Editing" tab at the top, click .
An arrow will appear on the frame image:
Drag the arrow to the center:
- To the right of the frame image, on the "Animation" tab, in the "Number of Frames" field, enter "20" and press the "Enter" key.
- On the "Color and Border" tab, click to the right of "Fill" and set it to red.
- Click to the right of "Border" and set it to green.
The image of the frame will take the form:
- At the bottom of the program window, in the "Go to Frame #" field, enter "20" and press the "Enter" key.
- On the "Color and Border" tab, click to the right of "Fill" and set it to green.
- Click to the right of "Border" and set it to red.
The image of the frame will take the form:
- On the "Rotation" tab, in the "Angle" field, enter "360" and press the "Enter" key.
- Click at the bottom of the program.
On the "Preview" tab, click :
- View and click .
- Under the title of the program, click and set the GIF file.
- Click and set the project file.