Cat GIF Editor

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GIF from Images

To create a GIF from images, You need:

  1. Click GIF From Images under the title of the program.
  2. A window will appear:

    GIF From Images - Step #1

  3. Choose whether to create a GIF from individual images or from a folder of numbered images. Numbered image filenames must contain the numbers by which they will be sorted.
  4. Set the frame duration in the "Frame Duration" field in milliseconds (ms). 1000 ms = 1 second.
  5. Click Next.
  6. When choosing to create a GIF from individual images:
    1. A window will appear:

      GIF From Images - Step #2

    2. Click Add and select image files. They will appear in the "Images" list.
    3. To remove from the list, highlight and click Delete.
    4. Click Clear to clear the list.
    5. Order with buttons:
    6. Click Next.
  7. When choosing to create a GIF from a folder of numbered images:
    1. A window will appear:

      GIF From Images - Step #2

    2. Click Set and set the folder.
    3. Click Next.
  8. Respond to a request to redraw frames.

©2022 Sergey Shigorin

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