Cat GIF Editor

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  1. Under the title of the program, click New Project.
  2. Before creating a project, if there are changes in the previous project, a window will appear:

    Save changes to the project?

    The previous project will be saved before the next one is created.

  3. On the "Editing" tab at the top, click Default Properties.
  4. To the right of the frame image on the "Color and Border" tab, click Set color to the right of "Fill" and set it to red.
  5. Click Set color to the right of "Border" and set it to red.
  6. On the "Editing" tab at the top, click Bezier Figure.
  7. A line will appear on the frame image:


  8. Drag the topmost node to the level of the bottommost:

    At the level

  9. Drag the second and third nodes to the middle between the first, fourth and top edges of the frame image:

    In the middle

  10. On the "Editing" tab at the top, click Copy and Paste.
  11. Drag the "Bezier Figure" to the right:

    Bezier Figures

  12. On the "Editing" tab at the top, click Polygon.
  13. A pentagon will appear on the frame image:


  14. To the right of the frame image, on the "Coordinates" tab, in the "Amount" field, enter "3" and press the "Enter" key. The pentagon becomes a triangle.
  15. Drag the triangle nodes like so:


  16. To the right of the frame image, on the "Animation" tab, in the "Number of Frames" field, enter "20" and press the "Enter" key.
  17. At the bottom of the program window, in the "Go to Frame #" field, enter "20" and press the "Enter" key.
  18. Click the first "Bezier Figure" and on the "Editing" tab at the top, click Bring to Front.
  19. Drag the leftmost node to the right:


  20. Click the second "Bezier Figure" and on the "Editing" tab at the top, click Bring to Front.
  21. Drag the rightmost node to the left:


  22. Click the triangle and on the "Editing" tab at the top, click Bring to Front.
  23. Drag the top left node to the right, the top right node to the left, and the bottom node to the top:


  24. Click Redraw Frames at the bottom of the program.
  25. On the "Preview" tab, click Play:


  26. View and click Stop.
  27. Under the title of the program, click Save GIF and set the GIF file.
  28. Click Save Project As and set the project file.

©2022 Sergey Shigorin

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